Home Steering The procedure for determining the volume of budget allocations. Budget allocations: definition, purpose, distribution procedure. Description in simple words

The procedure for determining the volume of budget allocations. Budget allocations: definition, purpose, distribution procedure. Description in simple words




In pursuance of paragraph 3.4 of the action plan for the implementation of the program "Increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures in the Vologda region for 2012 - 2013", approved by Resolution of the Regional Government of December 20, 2011 N 1625,


1. Approve the attached procedure for determining the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations communicated to the main managers of regional budget funds.

2. This order comes into force from the date of its signing.

Acting Chief

Department of Finance of the region V.N. Artamonov



by department order

finance region

dated 02.08.2012 2012 N 516

1. This Procedure for determining the maximum volumes of budget allocations communicated to the main managers of regional budget funds (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed for the purpose of effective planning of budget allocations in accordance with Article 174.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

2. The maximum volume of budget allocations for the corresponding financial year is formed from tax and non-tax revenues of the regional budget, interbudgetary transfers that do not have a designated purpose and sources of financing the regional budget deficit, as well as from gratuitous revenues that have a designated purpose, and is determined by the following formula :

Vo – the maximum volume of budget allocations for the corresponding financial year,

Vпб - the maximum volume of budget allocations for the corresponding financial year, formed from gratuitous revenues that have a designated purpose,

Vps is the maximum amount of budget allocations for the corresponding financial year, formed from tax and non-tax revenues of the regional budget, interbudgetary transfers that do not have a designated purpose and sources of financing the regional budget deficit.

The maximum volume of budget allocations for the corresponding financial year (Vo) is formed in general and in the context of the main managers of regional budget funds.

3. The maximum volume of budget allocations for the corresponding financial year, formed from gratuitous revenues that have a designated purpose, is determined based on the planned volume of corresponding revenues to the regional budget, using the following formula:

– the volume of gratuitous revenues earmarked for the corresponding financial year in accordance with the draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period and documents confirming the intention of legal entities to send funds to the regional budget in the corresponding financial year.

4. The maximum volume of budget allocations, formed from tax and non-tax revenues of the regional budget, interbudgetary transfers that do not have a designated purpose and sources of financing the regional budget deficit (hereinafter referred to as the maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources) includes:

budgetary allocations of the regional budget to fulfill the current expenditure obligations of the region for the next financial year and the first year of the planning period, approved by the law of the region on the regional budget for the current financial year and planning period;

change in budgetary allocations of the regional budget for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations for the next financial year and the first year of the planning period in comparison with the volumes approved by the regional law on the regional budget for the current financial year and planning period;

budgetary allocations of the regional budget for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations of the region for the second year of the planning period;

budgetary allocations of the regional budget for the fulfillment of the accepted expenditure obligations of the region for the next financial year and planning period.

5. The maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources (V ps) is determined:

5.1. for the next financial year (the first year of the planning period) according to the formula:

V ps1 - the maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources for the next financial year (the first year of the planning period);

V Law - the volume of budgetary allocations of the regional budget for the fulfillment of the current expenditure obligations of the region for the next financial year (the first year of the planning period), approved by the regional law on the regional budget for the current financial year and planning period;

V change - change in the volume of budgetary allocations of the regional budget to fulfill the current expenditure obligations of the region for the next financial year (the first year of the planning period) in comparison with the volumes approved by the regional law on the regional budget for the current financial year and planning period;

V principle – the volume of budgetary allocations of the regional budget to fulfill the accepted expenditure obligations of the region for the next financial year (the first year of the planning period);

5.2 for the second year of the planning period according to the formula:

V ps2 - the maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources for the second year of the planning period;

V p2 - the volume of budgetary allocations of the regional budget to fulfill the existing expenditure obligations of the region for the second year of the planning period

V prin2 – the volume of budgetary allocations of the regional budget to fulfill the accepted expenditure obligations of the region for the second year of the planning period.

Change in the volume of budgetary allocations of the regional budget for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations of the region for the next financial year and the first year of the planning period in comparison with the volumes approved by the law of the region on the regional budget for the current financial year and planning period, the volume of budgetary allocations of the regional budget for the implementation of existing expenditure obligations region for the second year of the planning period, the volume of budgetary allocations of the regional budget for the fulfillment of the accepted expenditure obligations of the region for the next financial year and planning period are determined based on the proposals of the main managers of regional budget funds for the distribution of budgetary allocations for the next financial year and planning period, submitted in accordance with with the Procedure and methodology for planning budgetary allocations of the regional budget, annually approved by order of the regional finance department.

6. The maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources in the corresponding financial year cannot exceed the total volume of tax and non-tax revenues, interbudgetary transfers that do not have a designated purpose and sources of financing the regional budget deficit.

The regional budget deficit and the volume of public debt of the region in the corresponding financial year must comply with the restrictions established by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

7. In case of failure to comply with the provisions specified in paragraph 6 of this Procedure, the head of the regional Finance Department makes a decision to adjust the maximum volumes of budget allocations from its own sources downwards, with the exception of the volumes of budget allocations provided for:

social payments, including the fulfillment of public regulatory obligations;

wages and accruals for wage payments;

formation of the Road Fund of the Vologda Region.

The maximum volume of budget allocations provided for at the expense of gratuitous revenues that have a designated purpose is not subject to adjustment.

8. Adjustment of the maximum volumes of budget allocations from own sources is carried out for the corresponding financial year in the following order:

8.1. The amount of adjustment to the maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources for the corresponding financial year is determined using the formula:

S corr - the amount of reduction in the maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources for the corresponding financial year;

V ps - the maximum amount of budget allocations from own sources for the corresponding financial year, determined in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Procedure;

V max - the maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources, the maximum possible taking into account the provisions of paragraph 6 of this Procedure.

8.2. First of all, the budgetary allocations provided for in the formation of the draft regional budget for the next financial year and planning period for budgetary investments in capital construction projects of state property in the region, as well as subsidies to local budgets for co-financing capital construction projects within the framework of investment projects (hereinafter referred to as budgetary ones) are subject to adjustment. investments).

8.3. Secondly, budget allocations provided for when forming the draft regional budget for the next financial year and planning period, not related to budget investments, are adjusted according to the formula:

V izp - reduction in the volume of budgetary allocations not related to budgetary investments;

V other - the volume of budgetary allocations not related to budgetary investments;

K is the reduction factor, which is determined by the formula

S corr - the amount of reduction in the maximum volume of budget allocations;

V easy - the amount of reduction in the volume of budget investments in accordance with subclause 8.2 of this Procedure;

V max - the maximum volume of budget allocations from own sources, the maximum possible taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6 of this Procedure.

9. The Department of Finance of the region forms the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations from its own sources, taking into account the application of a reduction factor in accordance with subclause 8.3 of this Procedure when determining the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations in the process of drawing up the draft regional budget for the next financial year and planning period and brings the maximum volumes of budgetary funds allocations to the main managers of regional budget funds.

10. The maximum volumes of budget allocations communicated to the main managers of regional budget funds can be clarified in the process of forming the draft regional budget for the next financial year and planning period, taking into account approvals, as a result of making decisions on changes to state programs of the region, long-term and departmental target programs , in case of changes in individual indicators for tax and non-tax revenues of the regional budget and sources of financing the regional budget deficit, as well as in case of changes in the indicators of the draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period.

Document as of February 2014.

In accordance with Article 154 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the regional administration of February 11, 2011 N 95 “On approval of the program for increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures of the Bryansk region (2011 - 2012)” I decide:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for determining the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations communicated to the main managers of budgetary funds in the process of drawing up the draft regional budget for the next financial year and planning period.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of the Resolution to the Deputy Governor of the Bryansk Region - Head of the Financial Department of the Bryansk Region E.I. Loktikova.


Bryansk region
dated June 16, 2011 N 535

1. This Procedure establishes a procedure for determining by the financial management of the Bryansk region the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations communicated to the main managers of budgetary funds in the process of drawing up the draft regional budget for the next financial year and planning period (hereinafter referred to as the maximum volume of budgetary allocations).

2. The maximum volume of budget allocations communicated to all main managers of budget funds in the process of drawing up the draft regional budget for the next financial year and planning period cannot exceed the total volume of regional budget revenues and receipts from sources of financing its deficit, reduced by the amount of payments from the regional budget related to sources of financing the deficit and changes in account balances for the accounting of regional budget funds.

3. The maximum amount of budget allocations includes:

budgetary allocations for social security of the population;

budgetary allocations for servicing public debt;

budgetary allocations for the execution of judicial acts on claims against the Bryansk region for compensation for damage caused to citizens or legal entities as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of a government body or officials of this body;

budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary transfers;

budgetary allocations for the provision of public services (performance of work) by government bodies of the Bryansk region, government agencies of the Bryansk region;

budgetary allocations for the provision of budgetary investments to legal entities that are not state institutions of the Bryansk region;

budgetary allocations for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of state institutions of the Bryansk region), individual entrepreneurs, and individuals - producers of goods, works, and services.

4. The volume of budget allocations for social security of the population is determined as follows:

--- ¦ n ¦ SUM (K x V), k = 1 ¦ i=1 i i(t) i B =< , где: s ¦ n ¦ SUM (K x V x k), k =/ 1 ¦ i=1 i i(t) i i L- B - объем бюджетных ассигнований главного распорядителя бюджетных s средств на соответствующий финансовый год на социальное обеспечение населения; K - планируемая на соответствующий финансовый год численность i граждан, имеющих в соответствии с принятыми законами и (или) иными нормативными правовыми актами право на получение социальных выплат или приобретение в их пользу товаров, работ, услуг за счет средств областного бюджета; V - объем социальных выплат или объем товаров, работ, услуг, i(t) приобретаемых в пользу гражданина, в денежном выражении на соответствующий финансовый год, определяемый в соответствии с принятыми законами и (или) иными нормативными правовыми актами; k - коэффициент индексации объема социальных выплат или объема i товаров, работ, услуг, приобретаемых в пользу гражданина, в денежном выражении по отношению к предыдущему финансовому году; i = {1...n} - отдельное направление мер социальной поддержки населения, для которого в соответствии с принятыми законами и (или) иными нормативными правовыми актами установлена отдельная категория лиц, имеющих право на получение соответствующих мер социальной поддержки, объем указанной поддержки и (или) порядок его определения.

The indexation coefficient for the volume of social payments or the volume of goods, works, services purchased for the benefit of a citizen, in monetary terms in relation to the previous financial year, is determined in accordance with the requirements established by the procedure (methodology) for planning budget allocations, approved by the financial department of the Bryansk region.

5. The volume of budgetary allocations for servicing public debt is determined based on the actual required volume of expenses for servicing public debt for the corresponding financial year in accordance with actually accepted debt obligations in previous years, as well as the planned volume of debt obligations, the acceptance of which is planned in the corresponding financial year.

6. The volume of budgetary allocations for the execution of judicial acts on claims against the Bryansk region for compensation for damage caused to citizens or legal entities as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of a government body or officials of this body is determined based on the actual required amount of expenses for these purposes in in accordance with court decisions made in previous years.

7. The volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary transfers is determined as follows:

B = V + V + V + V, where: m m(d) m(s) m (sb) m(o) B - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary m transfers; V - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary m(d) transfers in the form of subsidies, determined in the prescribed manner; V - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary m(s) transfers in the form of subsidies, determined in accordance with approved methods (draft methods); V - the volume of subventions to local budgets for the implementation of the powers of m(sb) government bodies of the Bryansk region, determined in accordance with approved methods (draft methods); V is the volume of other interbudgetary transfers to local budgets, m(o) determined in accordance with approved methods (draft methods).

8. Budgetary allocations for the provision of public services (performance of work) by state authorities of the Bryansk region, state institutions of the Bryansk region include:

ensuring the fulfillment of the functions of government institutions, including:

a) remuneration of employees of government institutions, monetary support (monetary remuneration, monetary allowance, wages) of employees of public authorities (state bodies), local governments, persons holding public positions, civil servants, other categories of employees, travel and other payments in accordance with employment contracts (service contracts, contracts) and the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Bryansk region;

b) payment for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for government needs;

c) payment of taxes, fees and other obligatory payments;

d) compensation for damage caused by a government institution during the implementation of its activities;

providing subsidies to budgetary and autonomous institutions;

providing subsidies to non-profit organizations that are not state (municipal) institutions;

implementation of budget investments in state-owned objects (with the exception of state unitary enterprises);

purchase of goods (works, services) for state and municipal needs.

9. The volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of public services (performance of work) by state institutions of the Bryansk region is determined as follows:

n B = SUM ((B - B) x k), where: u(t)i i=1 u(t-1)i u(c)i ij B - volume of budget allocations for the provision of public services u(t)i (implementation works) by government agencies of the Bryansk region in the corresponding financial year; B is the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of public u(t-1)i services (performance of work) by government agencies of the Bryansk region in the previous financial year; B - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of public services u(c)i (performance of work) by government agencies of the Bryansk region in the previous financial year, which were of a one-time nature; i = (1...n) - a separate budget allocation for the provision of public services (performance of work) by government agencies of the Bryansk region; k - adjustment coefficients taking into account changes in the volume ij of budget allocations for the provision of public services (performance of work) by government agencies of the Bryansk region in relation to the previous financial year, including:

changes in labor costs with accruals for employees of government agencies and government bodies;

changes in utility costs;

changes in the composition and functions of government institutions and government bodies;

changing the composition of state property necessary for the provision of public services (performance of work), ensuring the activities of government bodies and state government institutions;

changes in the planned volumes of provision of public services (performance of work);

other changes.

10. The volume of budget allocations for the provision of budget investments to legal entities that are not state institutions of the Bryansk region, as well as for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of state institutions of the Bryansk region), individual entrepreneurs, and individuals - producers of goods, works, services is determined as follows :

n I = SUM ((B - B) x k), where: v(t)i i=1 v(t-1)i v(c)i ij I - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of budgetary v(t)i investments to legal entities , which are not state institutions of the Bryansk region, as well as for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of state institutions of the Bryansk region), individual entrepreneurs, individuals - producers of goods, works, services in the corresponding financial year; B - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of budget v(t-1)i investments to legal entities that are not state institutions of the Bryansk region, as well as for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (except for state institutions of the Bryansk region), individual entrepreneurs, and individuals - manufacturers of goods , works, services in the previous financial year; B - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of budget v(c)i investments to legal entities that are not state institutions of the Bryansk region, as well as for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of state institutions of the Bryansk region), individual entrepreneurs, individuals - producers of goods, works , services in the previous financial year that were one-time in nature; i = (1...n) - a separate budget allocation for the provision of budget investments to legal entities that are not state institutions of the Bryansk region, as well as for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (except for state institutions of the Bryansk region), individual entrepreneurs, and individual manufacturers goods, works, services; k - adjustment coefficients taking into account changes in the volume ij of budgetary allocations for the provision of budgetary investments to legal entities that are not state institutions of the Bryansk region, as well as for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (except for state institutions of the Bryansk region), individual entrepreneurs, individuals - producers of goods, works, services in relation to the previous financial year, including:

changes in the planned volumes of provision of relevant budgetary allocations;

changes in the composition and (or) categories of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, individuals - producers of goods, works, services;

Budgetary allocations are an important detail in the work of most state-owned enterprises in the country. The definition states that this is the maximum allowable amount of funding for a government entity declared in the actual financial period (often a year) to meet budget obligations. Such financial flows are distributed by the federal treasury.

Estimate and financial documents

The estimate is the basic financial document of any state enterprise, according to which its activities are carried out.

An estimate is a basic planning financial document indicating possible actions regarding the expenditure and receipt of funds necessary for the normal performance of the functions assigned to it, drawn up for the year, regulated by higher regulations.

Structure of financing funds

The estimate is formed from special and general funds.

Funds from the general fund are spent to cover the expenses of a government agency to operate and perform the main tasks of the full economic classification. The general fund receives monetary resources from the general fund of the state treasury of the Russian Federation.

Money from a special fund is often allocated for the implementation of specific goals, objectives and programs of a government agency. Expenses and receipts of the special fund are regulated by special regulations and legislation.
Such funds can be either planned in the state budget or included in regulations and laws.


Along with the estimate, a plan is drawn up and accepted, which regulates the allocation of budgetary allocations from the general fund. It represents the monthly distribution of funds approved in the estimate. The volume of budget allocations is a mandatory part of the estimate and is approved in the general fund according to an abbreviated form of classification. State enterprises, organizations and institutions, the work of which is carried out at the expense of budgetary resources, must draw up estimates and appropriation plans.

The distribution of budgetary allocations and the preparation of estimates for the expenditure of public funds are entrusted to the manager. Often these are heads of budget structures who are the main managers. There are also stewards of the second and third degree. Managers receive the authority to form and manage funds by establishing budget assignments, which are regulated by the law on the state budget or specified in the decision on the municipal budget.

Budget funds. Basic principles of formation and distribution

Appropriations to government organizations are made in compliance with the following principles:

Goals financed from budgetary allocations

Funds from the budget may be allocated in the form of appropriations to achieve the following objectives:

Scheme for receiving government funding

Organizations and institutions that exist at the expense of budgetary allocations receive funding through accounts opened with the federal treasury of the Russian Federation in accordance with regulations and decrees regulating the work of this state structure. To record transactions aimed at fulfilling the organization's general fund budget, the manager opens registration accounts, each of which corresponds to the codification of the budget classification of expenses.

The manager is also authorized to open consolidated personal accounts. These accounts are intended to receive funds without specifying the coding. These funds are subject to further crediting to other accounts of the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation.

Regulations and laws governing government appropriations

The main normative act defining and regulating the allocation and expenditure of state appropriations is the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, which was adopted on July 31, 1998, namely Article 6, Article 69 “Budget Allocations”, Articles 70, 72, 74, 78-80, 83, 174.2. "Planning budget allocations."

On the basis of the Budget Code, orders of local municipal financial departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are formed.

When calculating financing, decisions of city councils, regulations of the administrations of territorial units, as well as signed agreements defining the debt obligations of government institutions and organizations are taken into account.

Text of the document as of July 2016

In accordance with Article 154 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, in order to carry out work on the formation of a draft district budget, the administration of the Solnechny Municipal District decides:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for determining the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations communicated to the main managers of budgetary funds in the process of drawing up the draft budget of the Solnechny municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the district budget).

2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the deputy head of the administration of the Solnechny municipal district for economic issues, S.I. Timchenko.

3. Publish this resolution in the socio-political newspaper "Solnechny Meridian" and post it on the official website of the municipal district administration on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

4. This resolution comes into force after its official publication.

Head of the municipal district V.N. Starkov

Appendix to the resolution of the administration of the Solnechny municipal district of December 5, 2014 N 182



1. This Procedure establishes the procedure for determining by the financial management of the administration of the Solnechny municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the financial management) the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations communicated to the main managers of budgetary funds in the process of drawing up the draft district budget for the next financial year and planning period (hereinafter referred to as the maximum volume of budgetary allocations ).

2. The maximum volume of budget allocations communicated to the main managers of budget funds in the process of drawing up the draft district budget cannot exceed the total volume of revenues of the district budget and receipts from sources of financing its deficit, reduced by the amount of payments from the district budget associated with sources of financing the deficit and changes balances on accounts for accounting of funds of the district budget.

3. The maximum amount of budget allocations includes:

Budgetary allocations for servicing municipal debt;

Budgetary allocations for the execution of judicial acts on claims for compensation for harm caused to citizens or legal entities as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of local government bodies of the Solnechny municipal district or officials of these bodies;

Budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary transfers;

Budgetary allocations to ensure the performance of the functions of government institutions and local government bodies of the region;

Budgetary allocations for the provision of municipal services (performance of work) by municipal budgetary institutions of the district;

Budgetary allocations for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of municipal institutions of the district), individual entrepreneurs, and individuals - producers of goods, works, and services.

4. The volume of budgetary allocations for servicing municipal debt is determined based on the actual required volume of expenses for servicing municipal debt for the corresponding financial year in accordance with actually accepted debt obligations in previous years, as well as the planned volume of debt obligations, the acceptance of which is planned in the corresponding financial year.

5. The volume of budgetary allocations for the execution of judicial acts on claims for compensation for harm caused to citizens or legal entities as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of local government bodies of the Solnechny municipal district or officials of these bodies is determined based on the actual required amount of expenses for these purposes in in accordance with court decisions made in previous years.

6. The volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary transfers is determined as follows:

Bm = Vm(d) + Vm(o), where

Bm - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary transfers;

Vm(d) - the volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of interbudgetary transfers in the form of subsidies to equalize the budgetary provision of settlements in the region, determined in the prescribed manner;

Vm(o) - the volume of other interbudgetary transfers to the budgets of settlements in the district, determined in accordance with approved methods (draft methods).

7. The volume of budgetary allocations to ensure the performance of the functions of state institutions and local government bodies, for the provision of municipal services by municipal state institutions is carried out in accordance with the indicators of the budget estimates of the institutions.

The main managers of district budget funds, which are in charge of government institutions, have the right to use standard costs for the provision of relevant municipal services and standard costs for maintaining property when determining budget estimates.

8. The volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of municipal services (performance of work) by municipal budgetary institutions of the district is carried out taking into account the municipal task and is determined as follows:

Fy = SUMi Ni x ki + Nim, where

Fy - the amount of subsidies for the implementation of municipal tasks to a budgetary institution in the corresponding financial year;

Ni - standard costs for the provision of municipal services in the corresponding financial year;

ki - volume (number of units) of provision of municipal services in the corresponding financial year;

Nm - standard costs for maintaining property in the corresponding financial year.

The procedure for determining these costs (and their amounts for the next financial year if they are established) is approved by the main managers of the district budget funds, which are in charge of government institutions, independently in accordance with methodological recommendations for calculating standard costs for the provision of municipal services by municipal institutions of the Solnechny Municipal District and standard costs for maintaining the property of municipal institutions of the Solnechny municipal district.

9. The volume of budgetary allocations for the provision of subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of municipal institutions), individual entrepreneurs, individuals - producers of goods, works, services in order to reimburse costs or lost income in connection with the production (sale) of goods, performance of work, provision of services calculated by the planned method in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Solnechny Municipal District, the accounting method for the inflation rate or another coefficient corresponding to the cost of goods, works, services.

10. Financial management, having received from the chief administrators of district budget revenues a forecast of budget revenues and a forecast of revenue sources for financing the budget deficit for the next financial year, assesses their reliability and determines, in accordance with the requirements of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the total amount of funds from the district budget that can be spent. in the next financial year.

11. The financial department distributes the total amount of district budget funds to be spent among the subjects of budget planning (the main managers of budget funds) based on the actual proportions of budget allocations provided for solving issues of local importance over the three years preceding the planned one.





No. 000 Kansk 12/12/2012

On the Procedure for determining the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations communicated to the main managers of budgetary funds

In accordance with Article 174.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, I order:

1. Approve the Procedure for determining the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations communicated to the main managers of budgetary funds in the process of drawing up the draft regional budget, in accordance with the appendices to this order.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the head of the budget department, Larisa Aleksandrovna Kuvshinova.

Head of the Municipal Treasury

institution "Financial management

Administration of the Kansky District"

The following have been familiarized with the order:


to the order of the Financial Administration of the Kansky District

determining the maximum volumes of budget allocations,

communicated to the main managers of budgetary funds

in the process of drafting the district budget

1. This Procedure establishes the procedure for determining by the Financial Department of the Kansky District the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations communicated to the main managers of budgetary funds (hereinafter referred to as the GRBS) in the process of drawing up the draft district budget (hereinafter referred to as the maximum volume of budgetary allocations).

2. The maximum amount of budget allocations communicated to all GRBS in the process of drawing up the draft district budget cannot exceed the total volume of district budget revenues and budget deficit revenues, reduced by the amount of payments from the district budget associated with sources of financing the deficit and changes in account balances accounting of budget funds.

3. The maximum amount of budget allocations is determined:

a) for the next financial year according to the formula:

V prev = V decide + V meas + V accept,

V limit - the maximum amount of budget allocations for the next financial year;

V decision - budgetary allocations for the implementation of existing expenditures

obligations for the current financial year, approved by the decision on the budget for the current financial year;

V change - change in budget allocations for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations for the next financial year compared to the volumes approved by the decision on the budget for the current financial year;

V principle - budgetary allocations for the fulfillment of accepted expenditure obligations for the next financial year;

b) for the first year of the planning period according to the formula:

V prev 1 = V decide och + V meas 1 + V rec 1,

V prev 1 - the maximum amount of budget allocations for the first year of the planning period;

V resh och - budgetary allocations for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations for the next financial year, approved by the decision on the budget for the current financial year and planning period;

V change 1 - change in budget allocations for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations for the first year of the planning period compared to V previous;

V principle - budgetary allocations for the fulfillment of accepted expenditure obligations for the first year of the planning period;

c) for the second year of the planning period according to the formula:

V prev 2 = V decide 1 + V meas 2 + V rec 2,

V pre 2 - the maximum amount of budget allocations for the second year of the planning period;

V decision 1 - the volume of budget allocations for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations for the first year of the planning period, approved by the decision on the budget for the current financial year and planning period;

V change 2 - change in budget allocations for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations for the second year of the planning period compared to V pre 1;

V principle 2 - budgetary allocations for the fulfillment of accepted expenditure obligations for the second year of the planning period.

4. In case of failure to comply with the provisions specified in paragraph 3 of this Procedure, the Financial Administration of the Kansky District adjusts the maximum volume of budget allocations downwards, with the exception of budget allocations provided for:

fulfillment of public regulatory obligations;

implementation of investment projects that have important economic and social significance for the region.

The volumes of budgetary allocations provided for in the district budget at the expense of gratuitous revenues are not subject to adjustment.

5. Adjustment of the maximum volumes of budget allocations is carried out for the corresponding financial year in the following order:

a) the amount of adjustment to the maximum volume of budget allocations is determined using the formula:

S corr = V pre - V max,

V limit - the maximum amount of budget allocations determined in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Procedure;

V max - the maximum volume of budget allocations, the maximum possible taking into account paragraphs 2, 4 of this Procedure;

b) first of all, the budgetary allocations provided for in the formation of the draft district budget for the next financial year and the planning period for capital expenditures are subject to adjustment;

c) secondly, the budgetary allocations provided for in the formation of the draft district budget for the next financial year and planning period and not related to capital expenditures are adjusted:

V meas. proc = V proc x K,

V meas. other - reduction in the volume of budgetary allocations not related to capital expenditures;

V other - the volume of budgetary allocations not related to capital expenditures;

K is the reduction factor, which is determined by the formula:

K = (S corr – V meas. inv) / V max,

S corr - the amount of reduction in the maximum volume of budget allocations;

V meas. inv - the amount of reduction in the volume of capital expenditures in accordance with subparagraph “b” of this paragraph of the Procedure.

6. The financial department of the Kansky district informs the main managers of budgetary funds of the maximum volumes of budgetary allocations, reducing coefficients if they are applied in accordance with subparagraph “c” of paragraph 5 of this Procedure.

7. The maximum volumes of budgetary allocations brought by the Financial Directorate of the Kansky District to the GRBS can be clarified in the process of drawing up the draft district budget no later than two days after the meeting of the Commission on Economic Policy, Finance and Budget.

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