Home Engine Coolant. Engine cooling system fluid: what to consider when choosing and using How much antifreeze is in the engine

Coolant. Engine cooling system fluid: what to consider when choosing and using How much antifreeze is in the engine

Regular replacement of antifreeze is essential for the engine cooling system to function smoothly. Let's talk about how to properly replace the coolant in a car (+ video) and how often it is necessary to change it.

Plain water is best suited to cool the engine. It has excellent heat storage capacity. But its minus - it freezes at negative temperatures and leads to corrosion of the cooling system parts - clogs the radiator, reduces the service life. Therefore, manufacturers use antifreeze (the same as antifreeze).

When should you change?

It is recommended to change the coolant every 2-3 years to prevent corrosion. In fact, the actual service life is determined by the car manufacturer. For example, Volkswagen and GM give a life sentence to replace antifreeze in a car, Ford - ten years or 240,000 kilometers, Mercedes-Benz - five years, AvtoVAZ - 75,000 kilometers. BMW and Mitsubishi recommend changing every 4 years, Daimler - every fifteen years. Mazda and Renault say there is no need for coolant changes over the life of the car.

Why is it possible not to change the antifreeze for a long time? Manufacturers have released a new generation of antifreezes with a formula that allows you to increase the replacement time to 200,000 km. The duration depends on the content of the anti-corrosion additives. As long as they are present, everything is fine. As soon as the amount of anti-corrosion agents is reduced, the engine and radiator corrode. Especially dangerous for motors with aluminum parts.

If the time has come to replace the antifreeze, then ideally we change it to the original one that was filled in at the factory. But how to find out and can you buy a similar one in the store? When choosing a coolant, follow the recommendations of the car manufacturer specified in the service book. If it was not possible to find out the type of recommended coolant, then you should buy antifreeze with the G12 marking, as the most universal.

How do you know when it's time to change? You need to look under the hood of the car and check the condition of the fluid in the expansion tank of the cooling system (where it is located, you can find out from the instructions). It must be clean, free from dirt and other debris. It's like comparing clean spring water to rusty tap water. If in doubt, it is better to change it.

Another question is whether it is necessary to flush the cooling system? When replacing the coolant, flushing is mandatory, especially if the drained antifreeze contains oil, dirt and other contaminants, or you do not know what was previously filled. If, when replacing, the old fluid does not have any contamination, but fill in exactly the same one that was previously, then flushing is not necessary.

How to replace it yourself?

Antifreeze is changed on a cold engine. It is dangerous to change on a hot one, because its temperature is about 90-100 degrees. Find the radiator / reservoir cap and remove it, then find the radiator drain plug and open it, after placing a large bucket under it. Drain the coolant. Then inspect the cooling system hoses for cracks and breaks. Change them if necessary.

Before pouring antifreeze, the system is flushed to remove rust and deposits that water cannot handle. For flushing, use special auto chemical products. It is necessary to pour them into the radiator and add distilled or filtered water to the tank to the brim. Close the covers. The next step is to turn on the engine and wait until it warms up to operating temperature. After "turn off" the engine, let it cool down, drain the liquid.

Then you need to pour water into the system, close the covers and turn on the engine again for 15 minutes. Let it cool and drain off the water. Then fill in new antifreeze. Next, you need to "turn on" the engine and heating in the cabin to "maximum" so that the coolant is evenly distributed throughout the system to remove air bubbles. After a few days, remember to check the level of antifreeze in the system and top up to the correct level if necessary.

The main function of the cooling system of a car engine is to create normal operating conditions: a temperature indicator of 110 ° C, a standard humidity value. Previously, to determine this mode, a mechanical method was used: a person, putting his fingers on the cylinder block, should not be exposed to burns after holding for 3-5 seconds.

The simplest coolant for an internal combustion engine can be water (it can be poured in when overheated), but this product has significant disadvantages:

  • rotting certain metal parts;
  • can freeze at subzero temperatures.

Therefore, in winter, when the car was idle, this water had to be drained.

Currently, numerous technical fluids, such as antifreeze and antifreeze, are excellently coping with this task. Due to the original chemical composition, they allow to keep the freezing point low - up to -50 degrees, and also have additives that prevent corrosion.

But the question arises: how many such funds should be present in the system, how should they be used, and what is the capacity? Consider the answers in the article.

How much fluid is required

Auto users are interested in the amount of antifreeze that must enter the system to maintain its productive work. So how much fluid will you need? Antifreezes are substances that can remain in a liquid state even at low temperatures, they are used in numerous modern machines, the capacity depends on the parameters. These funds are based on organic substances - alcohols with many atoms. The liquid is poured sequentially. Due to their functional characteristics, they are divided into inorganic, organic and hybrid fluids. So how much should the coolant volume be in order for the system to function properly?

It is worth noting that anything can happen to the cooling system on the road, and it is not uncommon for the liquid to drop to a lower level. But now this is not a reason for frustration, because the addition of antifreeze will solve the problem. Of course, you can add a little warmed up pure water, but it is not recommended to drive such a mixture for a long time: if possible, it is worth draining the water and adding a full-fledged good antifreeze: how much depends on a number of factors.


First you need to choose a good liquid, and there is no need to save money: give preference to products from well-known brands that have proven themselves from the very best side. Over time, the antifreeze in the cooling system does not increase in volume, since its consistency is not subject to any changes during operation. But there are cases of liquid reduction in the course of cooling.

If you want to buy a substance with optimal additives, you should use organic products: they will allow your cooling system to work just perfect. The composition of hybrid elements can be both organic and inorganic elements; in their properties, they are something in between.

Often, the manufacturers themselves indicate a set of elements that are part of the coolant, and this does not allow determining the features under which the product will be used. For example, in some substances the use of amines, phosphate compounds should not be observed. If we are talking about hybrid elements, then these substances should also be absent. Consider how much you need to add funds.

How much to pour?

What should be the quantity? It all depends on the brand of the selected product, the type of car. Traditionally, the volume varies from 3 to 6 or more liters: the larger the volume and power of the engine, the more stringent requirements are imposed on the cooling system, otherwise it would not be able to cope with its main task - to cool all the elements in the engine. To find out how much you need to pour into the engine, you must take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer himself, they are indicated in the machine's manual. Its quantity during the cooling process does not depend on the quality of antifreeze, but this parameter affects the service life of the car and some other indicators.

The car is one of the main means of transportation, so that its work does not stop, it is necessary to replace the antifreeze on time. The operation of the motor depends on the correct choice and use of fluid. For a more visual explanation, you can disassemble the situation that has arisen on the example of a VAZ 2107 car.

The amount of antifreeze in the car

The first thing you need to know is how much antifreeze you can fill in the VAZ 2107 so that it works stably. For cars of such brands as VAZ 2101, 2105, 2106 and VAZ 2107, the volume of fluid is the same - 9.85 liters, it must be replaced every two years. Replacing antifreeze with a VAZ 2107 occurs in this way:

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to is the cooling system, if it is clogged, then it must be rinsed with special agents or water.
  • Next, you need to take a spanner wrench and a capacity of at least ten liters to drain the old car fluid. It is very important that the radiator is cold when replacing, since antifreeze is a hazardous substance, and when heated, it also becomes very toxic.

The volume of coolant in a VAZ 2107 can reach up to ten liters. Antifreeze is suitable for the engine cooling system, since it prevents heat from entering the engine and cools the radiator. The cooled antifreeze with the help of a pump moves to the engine of the machine. This process continues until the engine stops working. In operation, the antifreeze heats up and loses its positive properties, so it must be changed periodically. The process of heating the antifreeze occurs when a car travels a distance of about 60 thousand kilometers.

Antifreeze replacement methods

Many beginners do not know how to drain antifreeze from a VAZ 2107. Since it is a toxic substance, it must be treated with extreme caution, and it is better to adhere to general safety rules. Immediately before draining the liquid from the car, you need to prepare some kind of container or just use an unnecessary basin ... Then the following actions are carried out:

In order to properly fill in the liquid and it did not leak out, you need to check the integrity of the pipe. If the tube is even slightly damaged, it should be replaced. Replacing the coolant in the injection VAZ 2107 is carried out as follows:

It is very important to remember that the replacement takes place on a cooled radiator. On a VAZ 2107 car or on a seven, there can be an injector or a carburetor. The carburetor operates with a simplified cooling system.

The operation of the injector depends on the system of installed devices and temperature sensors. All tightening of the caps can be done with a simple thirteen wrench. What is antifreeze for:

  • Maintaining engine temperature in operation.
  • Keeping the liquid temperature low in the automatic box.
  • For heating the passenger compartment. The fluid provides heat to the machine by circulating through the heater. The motor heats up the fluid, and the fan drives the heat into the passenger compartment.

Antifreeze has many advantages, the main thing is the continuous operation of the engine. If the cooling system works without interruption, then the liquid will not boil and the engine will continue to work for a long time. Antifreeze is safe for the car, it has no substances contraindicated for cooling systems.

Lack of fluid and consequences

The disadvantage of antifreeze can be considered rapid evaporation, and you also have to solve the problem of leakage. It happens that the liquid can be seen leaking out under the car. And also there are cases when it goes into the car, this indicates a breakdown of the stove taps, they need to be replaced.

In addition, smoke emissions from the exhaust pipe may occur. This is due to a malfunction of the cylinder head gasket. When boiling antifreeze, you need to fix the problem in time, you need to drain and replace it.

If you do not betray the meaning of the signs that have appeared and continue to move on, then the consequences can be very sad. If fluid disappears from the reservoir, the motor may overheat when the mark reaches the minimum value.

The cooling system is designed to keep the motor running smoothly, generating a lot of energy and constantly raising the temperature.

Coolant is a specific alcohol-based compound with additives that acts as a coolant.

What to choose?

Today, when replacing coolant on domestically produced cars, they often talk about antifreeze. But in addition to antifreeze, antifreeze is actively used for more modern cars.

For the cooling system of the VAZ 2109, it is quite possible to use antifreeze, not antifreeze.

Coolant type


  • All cooling fluids are antifreezes, and antifreeze is a type of it, developed back in the days of the USSR as an alternative to foreign antifreeze;
  • Antifreeze is simply the name of a type of antifreeze, more adapted to the peculiarities of operating a car in the conditions of our country (then the USSR);
  • The price is more affordable when compared with other coolants;
  • More widely used among domestic car owners


  • There are a huge number of types of antifreeze in the world;
  • The difference between them lies in the basis, color, composition and other parameters;
  • Antifreezes use special additives in their composition, which ensure the efficient operation of the cooling system and extend the service life of the coolant itself;
  • Antifreeze is more expensive, which is the most common reason for choosing antifreeze

Given the characteristics of each of the types of coolant presented, certain conclusions can be drawn:

  1. If we take into account the quality characteristics, antifreeze is significantly superior to antifreeze.
  2. Antifreeze is more practical if we take into account its adaptation to our car. Its composition is designed with an eye to the local climate, vehicle quality and road conditions.
  3. Antifreeze can be asked from any oncoming driver passing by when your VAZ 2109 breaks down.
  4. The characteristics of antifreeze are quite enough to ensure the normal functionality of the CO.

Practice shows that it makes no sense to overpay for antifreeze for pouring coolant into the VAZ 2109 cooling system.


The procedure for replacing antifreeze can be divided into four main stages:

  • Draining the old coolant;
  • Flushing the system;
  • Pouring new antifreeze;
  • Checking the CO operability.

Now let's go through each stage separately.

Draining old coolant

  1. For work, you need a pit or overpass. In a garage, this is not a problem.
  2. The procedure should be started only with a cold engine. Do not fill with new coolant if you switched off the engine just a couple of minutes ago. Otherwise, there is a risk of cracks in the cylinder block.
  3. Remove the negative terminal from the battery.
  4. Place a prepared container with a volume of about 10 liters under the car.
  5. Remove the cover from the CO expansion tank.
  6. Using a head or a 13 key, unscrew the drain plug from the cylinder block.
  7. Hold the plug so that it will not be carried away by the coolant pressure. Losing such an element is not worth it.
  8. When all the liquid has come out, screw the cap back on.
  9. Drain the coolant now from the radiator by unscrewing the plastic plug. The liquid will flow into the prepared container.
  10. Screw on the drain cap by hand. No tool is required here.

Draining the coolant, do not rush to immediately fill in a new antifreeze. It is recommended to flush the systems first to ensure more efficient operation of the CO.


If you find traces of contamination in the drained antifreeze, the liquid has acquired a rusty tint, it is better to rinse the system thoroughly. Ignoring this recommendation, the new antifreeze will not last long, therefore it will soon have to be changed again.

  • For rinsing, use special compounds or ordinary water. It is better to use distilled water, but if you really want to save money, take tap water;
  • Pour CO flushing liquid into the system through the neck of the expansion tank;
  • Start the engine, turn it up a little and let the engine run for about 10 minutes;
  • Turn off the engine, repeat the drain procedure according to the instructions that you read above. Only now the system will not contain antifreeze, but a flushing composition;
  • Repeat flushing if necessary until the water coming out of the drain holes is clear.


To fill in a new antifreeze, you don't have to do anything complicated. You just need a special watering can. Many containers in which antifreeze is sold are not particularly convenient for pouring directly from them. Use a funnel to avoid spilling coolant.

It is extremely important to know exactly how much antifreeze is in the cooling system. Coolant for VAZ 2109 requires 7.8 liters. Therefore, antifreeze should be purchased in a container of 8 liters.

  1. Take a watering can, insert it into the neck of the expansion tank. So you will not spill precious grams of antifreeze.
  2. Check that all drain plugs are securely tightened. Otherwise, the coolant will simply spill out onto the floor and you will have to buy a new coolant.
  3. Start gradually pouring in a new toosolchik.
  4. Stop periodically for 1-2 minutes so that the liquid has time to distribute through the system.
  5. After filling the system, fill with coolant to the middle of the level of the expansion tank.
  6. Next, the most important thing is to get rid of the air trapped in the cooling system.
  7. Air accumulates in the upper pipe. To remove it, you just need to squeeze the upper pipe several times. Squeeze until you feel liquid appear inside.
  8. Bleed the cooling system. To do this, use a screwdriver or an 8 key to unscrew the clamp that holds the return flow hose to the CO expansion tank (return).
  9. Now close the fitting with your finger, on which the return line is put on, so that air cannot escape from there.
  10. Next, you need to blow into the expansion tank. Just imagine that you are trying to inflate the tank like a balloon.
  11. So you will create pressure and coolant will begin to flow from the expansion tank into the CO, and excess air will come out through the return line.
  12. As soon as antifreeze begins to flow from the return, the procedure can be stopped.
  13. Put the return back in place, tighten the clamp.
  14. connect the negative terminal of the storage battery back, close the cover of the expansion tank and check the quality of the work done.

It is not recommended to start active vehicle operation without checking.


Checking the replacement of the coolant is easy, but from this the significance of this procedure should not be underestimated.

  • Start the engine, let it run for a few minutes at medium speed;
  • As the new toosolchik heats up, coolant will begin to flow into the expansion tank from the return line;
  • If the liquid spills out, you did everything right;
  • Make sure that the thermostat, temperature sensors, cooling system fan are working;
  • When the engine temperature rises, the thermostat opens when it is working properly. Feel the bottom of the thermostat. If it is warm, everything functions perfectly;
  • Wait for the fan to automatically turn on, cool the system, and turn off. Again, this behavior indicates that the sensor and fan are working.

As you can see, changing antifreeze (or antifreeze) on a VAZ 2109 car with your own hands is not at all difficult. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to pay someone to complete the work, which takes literally an hour of your time and does not require complex dismantling procedures.

To begin with, the function of a coolant in internal combustion engines is performed by special compounds known among motorists under the name. The use of distilled water in cooling systems has long been abandoned, since water freezes at negative temperatures, causes increased corrosion of channels in and, becomes the cause of scale formation, etc.

Today, various ANTI-ANTIFREEZES or antifreezes can be available in two versions:

  • in the form of a concentrate, which must be additionally diluted with distilled water in specified proportions;
  • a ready-to-use product that can be immediately poured into the cooling system without additional manipulations;

In any case, the engine coolant not only protects the engine from and does not freeze in winter (unlike water), but also prevents the initiation of active corrosion processes in the liquid cooling system of the internal combustion engine, maintains the cleanliness of the channels, prolongs the service life of individual elements (, etc.) etc.)

It is important to take into account that antifreezes are different in composition, and also lose and change their properties during operation. This means that they cannot be freely mixed. Also, the liquid has a strictly limited service life, that is, it is necessary to periodically replace antifreeze or antifreeze, and also regularly monitor the condition of the coolant.

Read in this article

Car engine coolant: general information

It is well known that an internal combustion engine is a heat engine that converts the energy of a combustion fuel into mechanical work. Naturally, such an installation must be cooled in order to maintain the required thermal regime.

In other words, for the normal operation of all units and parts under loads, the heating of the motor must remain within strictly specified limits. The operating temperature of the engine should not either fall below a predetermined threshold or exceed the calculated value.

To solve the problem on cars, it is used, which is a combination of air and liquid cooling of the internal combustion engine. The liquid system assumes forced circulation of the working fluid.

With the engine running, the coolant heating can reach up to 100 degrees Celsius or even higher, while after stopping the engine, the liquid cools down to outside temperature during long periods of inactivity.

As you can see, the working fluid is in rather difficult conditions. At the same time, special requirements are put forward for it. The fact is that the properties of the liquid should, first of all, ensure the maximum efficiency of the engine cooling system. It directly depends on this. The coolant must have high thermal conductivity and heat capacity, have a high boiling point, and sufficient fluidity.

Moreover, after cooling, such a liquid should not greatly expand in volume and crystallize (turn into ice). In parallel with this, the liquid should also not foam during operation, and also not be aggressive, that is, it should call out corrosion of various metal elements, affect rubber pipes, seals, etc.

Unfortunately, although distilled or purified water is cheap to manufacture and has a number of necessary properties (it has a high ability to effectively cool, has a high heat capacity, is nonflammable, etc.), it is still problematic to use it in an engine.

First of all, it has a low boiling point, evaporates quickly, and various impurities in its composition (salts, etc.) cause active scale formation. Also when the outside temperature drops to zero degrees and then ice forms.

In this case, a significant increase in the volume of frozen water occurs, which causes rupture of channels and nozzles, that is, damage occurs, cracks appear in metal parts, etc. For this reason, water cannot be used year-round in regions where in winter there is a decrease in average daily temperatures to zero and below.

It is quite obvious that it is very difficult to deal with the constant drainage of water from the cooling system before parking the car on the street or in an unheated room. To solve the problem, special coolants have been developed, which have acquired the property of not freezing at low temperatures.

In fact, the very name "antifreeze" comes from the English "antifreeze", that is, non-freezing. These compositions quickly displaced water from liquid cooling systems, thereby greatly simplifying the features of vehicle operation.

As for TOSOL, this development is an analogue of western antifreeze, only it was developed on the territory of the former USSR. The specified type of coolant was originally created for VAZ cars, while the trademark was not registered.

Today, many manufacturers of coolants in the CIS use the well-known name TOSOL for their products, however, the performance properties of the fluids may differ due to the presence of different additives and additional components.

Features of antifreeze and practical operation

Note that in the engines of modern cars, antifreeze fluids are most often used, which are based on a glycol base. Simply put, such an antifreeze liquid is a mixture of water and ethylene glycol. There are also coolants that use propylene glycol, while mixing ethylene glycol coolants with propylene glycol is not recommended.

In practice, ethylene glycol or monoethylene glycol is a yellowish oily liquid. The liquid is odorless, has a low viscosity, has an average density and a boiling point of about 200 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the crystallization (freezing) temperature is slightly less than -12 degrees.

If ethylene glycol or an ethylene glycol / water solution is heated, significant expansion occurs. To prevent the system from "bursting" from overpressure, a "min" and "max" mark was added to the device. The required coolant level is determined from them.

It is also important to consider that ethylene glycol and its solutions are very aggressive and can cause severe corrosion of parts made of steel, aluminum, cast iron, copper or brass. In parallel with this, there is an increased toxicity of ethylene glycol and its extremely negative effect on living organisms. In other words, it is a powerful and dangerous poison!

As for propylene glycols, they have similar properties to ethylene glycols, but they are not as toxic. However, propylene glycol is much more expensive to manufacture, with the result that its final cost is significantly higher. Also, at low temperatures, propylene glycol becomes more viscous, its fluidity is worse.

For the above reasons, a whole package of active additional additives is necessarily used in the composition of the coolant, which provide anti-corrosion, protective and detergent properties, prevent foaming, stabilize the liquid, tint the solution, give a characteristic recognizable odor, etc. Also, the additives somewhat reduce toxicity.

Let's go back to using antifreeze. The need to mix ethylene glycol or propylene glycol with distilled water is dictated by the fact that the freezing point of such a solution directly depends on the proportions of these two components.

In simple words, water freezes at zero, ethylene glycol at -12, however, mixing them in different proportions allows you to create solutions in which the freezing threshold is from 0 to -70 degrees and even higher. Also, the ratio of glycol to water affects the boiling point of the solution.

Without going into details, in practice, the lowest freezing point can be achieved if the composition contains a little less than 67% ethylene glycol, which is diluted with 33% water. In this case, the same or very close freezing point can be obtained with different ratios of water and concentrate.

As for practical operation, as a rule, when replacing coolant in many regions, motorists often use a simple scheme, diluting the antifreeze concentrate with water in proportions of 60/40. Please note, this is a general guide, before preparing the solution, read the individual recommendations of a particular manufacturer of antifreeze on the packaging.

To check the ratio of ethylene glycol to water in the solution, the density is additionally measured. For this, a hydrometer is most often used. Based on the data obtained, we can conclude about the content of ethylene glycol and determine the crystallization temperature.

Mixing of antifreeze and TOSOL

It should be noted that the compatibility of various coolants depends on the technical conditions of their manufacture. In simple terms, fluids can be completely incompatible, or only partial compatibility is allowed.

The fact is that each manufacturer uses different additives that can react, thereby the mixture loses the necessary properties, precipitation occurs and a number of other undesirable consequences.

Taking into account the fact that during operation periodically it becomes necessary to raise the coolant level in the expansion tank (the water in the composition boils away over time), it is more correct to top up with distilled water or use only the brand and type of antifreeze that was previously used.

If an emergency malfunction occurs, then it is optimal or completely to drain the existing residues, flush the system and fill in fresh coolant in full, or add antifreeze that matches the color and properties.

As for the norms and standards, as a rule, domestic TOSOLs must comply with the requirements of GOST, while they are not separately certified. Imported antifreezes are standardized by SAE and ASTM.

Foreign standards define different properties of fluids based on ethylene or propylene glycol, defining the purpose, taking into account the operating conditions. Liquids are divided into compositions for cars, small trucks, heavy vehicles, special equipment, etc. Note that antifreezes according to ASTM type D 3306 are allowed for use on domestic passenger vehicles.

You should also take into account the individual specifications of the automakers themselves, which often put forward a number of their own requirements. In the list of various prescriptions of large concerns, it should be noted that the use of antifreezes is prohibited or highly discouraged, in which the presence of all kinds of corrosion inhibitors is noted, including nitrites, phosphates, etc.

This also determines the maximum content of silicates, chlorides and other components in the coolant. Adherence to these guidelines allows you to extend the life of the seals, avoid active scale formation, and increase the level of protection against corrosion.

When and why antifreeze replacement is needed

As already mentioned, antifreezes can have a negative effect on the parts of the cooling system and the engine itself. Various additives are used to reduce this effect. However, during operation, these additives are "triggered", that is, the content of the additives and their efficiency are reduced.

If it is simple, over time, corrosion processes are activated, the coolant begins to foam more strongly, the heat removal deteriorates, the temperature regime is violated during the operation of the internal combustion engine. For this reason, it is recommended to change antifreezes after 2 years, or every 50-60 thousand km. mileage (whichever comes first).

As for modern developments such as G12 and G12 + antifreezes, the service life of these fluids has been extended to 3-4 years, but their higher cost can be considered a disadvantage.

Also, the engine coolant needs to be replaced in cases where exhaust gases from the cylinders have entered the cooling system or traces of engine oil are visible in the antifreeze / antifreeze. As a rule, the cause of such malfunctions is a punched cylinder head gasket, cracks in the BC or cylinder head. In any case, the coolant in such conditions will quickly lose its useful properties.

The following signs indicate the need to replace the coolant:

  • appearance in the expansion tank;
  • discoloration of the coolant, the appearance of a burnt odor;
  • with a slight decrease in the outside temperature, a sediment is visible in the tank, antifreeze becomes jelly-like, etc.
  • , the fan of the cooling system is constantly running, the motor is on the verge of overheating;
  • antifreeze has acquired a brownish-brown color, became cloudy. This suggests that the fluid has exhausted its resource, the additives do not fulfill their function, and active corrosion of elements and parts takes place inside the cooling system.

We also note that in the event of an emergency, it is often necessary to add coolant from another manufacturer to antifreeze, distilled water of dubious quality, or ordinary running water. In such cases, it is necessary to get to the place of repair, carry out all the work, after which it is imperative to flush the cooling system and only after that completely replace the antifreeze.

  1. As for the process itself, you only need to change the coolant on a cold engine. After the engine has cooled down, you need to unscrew the expansion tank cap or radiator cap.
  2. Next, you need to open the radiator valve of the interior heater (stove radiator). This is necessary in order to remove possible liquid residues in the radiator and the pipes to it.
  3. Then you should unscrew the drain plugs in the radiator of the car's cooling system, as well as the plug in the cylinder block.
  4. After that, the coolant is drained into a previously prepared container, after which the plugs can be tightened.

Please note that when working with coolant, it is important to understand that ethylene glycol is a strong poison, and can also enter the body even through the skin. A small dose of ethylene glycol when taken orally is enough for severe poisoning and death!

Also, ethylene glycol has a sweetish taste, it must be kept out of the reach of children. Do not spill ethylene glycol or propylene glycol as the liquid is dangerous to animals. Do not pour antifreeze into water bodies, pour it onto the ground or down the drain!

  1. The final stage will be filling the expansion tank with fresh liquid. The coolant must be filled in slowly and carefully to avoid the formation of air pockets in the system.
  2. At the end of the procedure, the tank and / or radiator cap is screwed on, then the engine can be started. After starting, the unit warms up at XX to the operating temperature (on many cars, before the fan is activated).
  3. Now the engine needs to be stopped and allowed to cool down, after which the tank cap is opened again and the coolant is topped up according to the level (in case of its decrease).

If we talk about flushing the cooling system and radiator, during scheduled regular replacements of antifreeze of the same brand / type, then it will be enough to flush the entire system with ordinary distilled water. As a last resort, you can boil running water in advance, and then use it for rinsing.

In cases when the transition from TOSOL to antifreeze is carried out, from water to TOSOL, from antifreeze of one color to another type of coolant, or dirty antifreeze is simply changing, etc., then the system needs to be cleaned more thoroughly. This means that it will be necessary to separately remove possible or obvious deposits, scale, rust, decomposition products of additives in old antifreeze, etc.

As a rule, special ready-made compositions for cleaning the engine cooling system are used for cleaning. Such compositions are complex, have corrosion inhibitors, and remove scale and deposits well. Also, motorists for washing use various aqueous-acid solutions of self-preparation, however, the use of such solutions on modern internal combustion engines is not recommended.

The general procedure for flushing the cooling system is as follows:

  • after draining the coolant from the system, the flushing fluid is filled. Then the engine is started, after which the unit operates for a certain amount of time (usually 20-40 minutes).
  • Further, the flushing is drained, assessing the degree of contamination of the drained liquid. The procedure is repeated until the resulting wash is clear.
  • At the end, distilled water is poured into the system, the engine warms up again to operating temperatures, then the water is drained. This is necessary to remove rinsing residues. Then you can fill in fresh antifreeze without the risk of losing its properties as a result of contact with rinsing residues.
  • We also note that although it is possible to wash out the remains of the cleaner in the cooling system at one time, experienced drivers recommend flushing the system with distilled water at least twice.

During operation, the level of antifreeze in the expansion tank decreases even when the system is tight. The point is that water evaporation takes place. You need to add distilled water to the tank (in extreme cases, ordinary and well-boiled water for at least 30-40 minutes).

If there is a leak of antifreeze, then it is no longer possible to compensate for the losses with water alone. In other words, you need to top up the coolant, taking into account the fact that many coolants do not mix with each other.

It is optimal to have concentrate and distilled water in stock for topping up, mixing liquids in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer. As for ready-made antifreezes, try to avoid purchasing such compounds at car markets or from individuals who sell similar products along the highways.

Frequent cases were noted when instead of coolant, tinted running water, antifreeze treatment, etc. were sold. For this reason, the right decision would be to buy coolant from specialized car dealerships.

We also note that it is forbidden to use pure concentrate undiluted with water in the engine cooling system. As already mentioned, ethylene glycol with a package of additives freezes at negative temperatures of about -12 degrees.

It turns out that the concentrate will simply freeze in the system, since without dilution with water it cannot be considered a ready-to-use product. As for the proportions, it is necessary to study the label on the concentrate package. Usually, manufacturers themselves indicate separately what to pour into the radiator or tank on different cars, how much concentrate and water you need, and also how to mix them in order to get the desired freezing point of the coolant.

In parallel, we note that cases of fake antifreeze of well-known brands have become more frequent in the CIS. For this reason, inspect the canister carefully. The container must be of high quality, all stickers and labels must have a clear font and be located evenly on the canister.

The canister must indicate the batch number, the manufacturer, as well as recommendations on how to properly dilute the antifreeze (in the case of a concentrate) or use a ready-made product. The boiling point, freezing point, date of manufacture, expiration date and other important information are also indicated.

The cork also deserves special attention. Typically, manufacturers use disposable seal caps. Additionally, for better protection against counterfeiting, there may be a hologram sticker, etc.

It is necessary to make sure that the seal is intact, the toothed ring should fit snugly against the neck, not twist. The lid itself should not be glued to the neck. Also, the canister must be sealed, no liquid leaks or air escaping from under the lid when turning or pressing is allowed.

Finally, we note that many manufacturers use containers made of transparent or translucent plastic, allowing you to assess the color and condition of the liquid in the canister. When shaking the coolant canister, foam should form, which settles after a couple of seconds in the canister with the liquid ready for use, as well as after 4-5 seconds. in the case of undiluted concentrate.

If, upon examination, it is noticed that the liquid has become cloudy, the foaming is high, a sediment is visible at the bottom, or the general color of the antifreeze is suspicious, then it is better to refrain from such a purchase.

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