Home Chassis Watches: on which hand do men and women wear them? On which hand do men wear watches: is it possible on the right hand? On which hand to wear a Schwarzenegger watch

Watches: on which hand do men and women wear them? On which hand do men wear watches: is it possible on the right hand? On which hand to wear a Schwarzenegger watch

The topic of proper wearing of watches has a long history. Initially, miniature chronometers that you could carry with you were pocket ones. They were attached to a special chain and placed in a miniature pocket on the front shelf of the vest. Usually this pocket was located on the left side, so that it would be more convenient for right-handers to take out the watch and check the time.

Buttons on men's clothing were sewn on in a similar way, which significantly differed from women's clothing. All the details of the costume, as well as the method of wearing a pocket watch, were specially “sharpened” for right-handers. Left-handers were not taken into account, since the ability to write and do anything with the left hand was considered abnormal. Little left-handers at school were mercilessly, and sometimes cruelly, retrained to the general standards.

Now there are a large number of theories answering the question "on which hand should I wear a watch." Let's take a look at the most common ones.

Mechanics and electronics

The first mechanical watch on a strap appeared during the First World War. Due to their convenience, they immediately became popular with officers, and then with soldiers. All watches in those days were only hand-wound. The head for him was located again on the right for the comfort of right-handers. It was at that time that the tradition was formed to wear wrist chronometers on the left hand: it’s convenient to wind them up and fasten them (of course, if the right hand is dominant in a person).

In 1957, the first electronic watch was finally invented. Two companies were involved in their creation simultaneously: the American Elgin Watch Company and the French Leap Besancon. The first electronic "Hamiltons" are now considered a real legend. They were equipped with a quartz movement, so you could forget about manual winding.

But gentlemen continued to wear such watches on their left hands, which was nothing more than a tribute to tradition. In the 60s, respectable citizens tried not to stand out from the crowd, so even the wearing of wristwatches was strictly regulated by social norms.

mystical theory

This theory is based on the Fukuri teachings, according to which there are three significant energy points on the wrists of both hands: Guan, Cun and Chi. They are directly responsible for human health. They are located under the thumb on the wrist one after another. The impact on them can control the state of the liver, intestines, lungs, kidneys, bladder, heart of a person. Improper stimulation of points can lead to poor health. The Cun point is directly related to the work of the heart and is located in men on the left, and in women on the right hand. This is due to the fact that supposedly the blood in men flows from the heart to the left side, and in women - to the right. Therefore, the last, for example, it is better to wear a watch on the left hand.

Even criminologists recognize the frequent mystical coincidence of the time of the owner's death and the stop of his watch.

"Thieves" theory

In addition to theories, there is a legend about wearing watches that was born after the war. According to her, real thieves wear watches exclusively on their right hand. Therefore, if you wear a watch on this hand, then you can be sure that they will not be stolen, since they will not steal from their own

So right or left?

Only many years after the invention of electronic watches, people began to think about why, in fact, wear them on the left hand, if the person is left-handed. It is much more convenient for him to fasten the strap on the left, and place the watch on the right. This opinion was fixed after psychologists recognized that left-handedness is not a mental disorder, and little left-handers at school were no longer taught to write with their right hand.

According to statistics, 15% of the world's population is left-handed. This is every seventh inhabitant of the planet. It is hardly reasonable and correct not to take into account the interest of such a large number of people. Now everyone wears a watch the way it is convenient for him. And this is the most correct option.

In choosing a hand to wear them, it is important to focus on your own feelings and comfort, as well as your occupation. If you have to use your right hand a lot and the watch may suffer, it is better to put it on your left hand, and vice versa.

Life flies by instantly, and in order to somehow control its rhythm, people wear wristwatches or chronographs. This versatile accessory is also ideal as a decoration.

Which hand should I wear them on? The question worries many already from the moment of purchase, or fitting. There is no single answer to this question. But there are some ideas and talks about this.

Watch wearing theories

  1. Convenience is above all. In order to negate accidental damage, it is recommended to wear on a non-working hand. That is, for "right-handers" - it is more comfortable on the left hand, for "left-handers", on the contrary, on the right. If earlier they produced watches that had to be constantly wound, and it was uncomfortable for “left-handers” to cope with this task. But, fortunately, now there are no problems with this.
  2. Fukuri theory. From the point of view of esotericism, there are points on the wrists that are responsible for the health of the whole organism and individual organs. In this regard, it is recommended to refuse to wear watches altogether.
  3. Theory of psychologists. They claim that those people who wear a watch on their right hand are more active, positive, creative personalities, they cope well with any problems. And those who wear it on their left hand are punctual, logical, patient and more responsibly approach solving complex problems, weighing all the pros and cons.

There is another theory among psychologists that supposedly the right hand is a sign of the future, the left hand is the sign of the past. This means that the watch on the right hand for the owner at the subconscious level gives a push or aspiration forward. They are more dreamy and constantly see themselves in the future, make plans for months, or even years ahead. And the wearers of the accessory on the left wrist think a lot and experience the past moments, constantly turn back, remember the bygone years.

In general, according to the rules of etiquette, it must be worn on the left.

And according to the Fukuri theory, as noted above, men need to be worn on the right, since blood moves from the left side from the side of the heart. This is necessary in order not to interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs.

Women can wear a watch on any hand!

If men wear watches as an indicator of seriousness and responsibility, then the beautiful half of humanity - mainly as an element of decoration. As an accessory. In general, for women there is no specific etiquette for wearing watches. Can be worn on any hand. But, as a rule, if a woman is strict, holds some high position, serious, purposeful, then it is preferable to wear it on her left hand.

"Don't judge a person by the clock?"

A wristwatch says a lot about its owner, especially if it's a Breguet.

  1. The classic black-and-white style of watches speaks of efficiency, an active life position, and a person's determination.
  2. The more expensive the watch, the more successful the person. It is believed that you need to buy exclusive watches for a cost that is twice the size of the salary.
  3. The large size of the watch speaks of the creative abilities of the individual, originality, originality.
  4. Young people choose mainly bright wristwatches that help to stand out and appear extravagant.

Rules for the use of wristwatches

  1. It all depends on the design of the clothes, and depending on what style the wearer wears. If a person prefers to change daily, striving for something new, then it is advisable to have several models of watches in the arsenal that will be in harmony with different styles of clothing.
  2. It is recommended to have at least two types of watches: classic and brightly stylish. The first type is more suitable for work, serious events. And for friendly gatherings, holidays, parties - fashionable and contrasting watches.
  3. If the wrist is wide and the dial is small, then it will be at least inharmonious. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the wrist and the diagonal of the dial. That is, for thin hands - a correspondingly small dial, for large ones - more.
  4. Expensive watches are suitable for serious meetings. And fakes for a popular brand will simply be inappropriate. Designer branded models are best kept for official conferences, meetings, but not for everyday use.

Thus, it is not so important on which hand the watch is worn. And the main thing is that the owner himself should be comfortable wearing it. After all, this is the attribute that is used daily. It should not only emphasize the status and individuality of the owner, but also be worn with great pleasure and comfort. That is, with him a person should feel at his best.

Society dictates its own rules. We must behave correctly in relation to others, know at least the elementary rules of etiquette, be able to maintain a dialogue and choose clothes and accessories in accordance with the moment. Wristwatches are the perfect complement to any look. But, not everyone knows how to wear them correctly. In addition, many simply do not follow fashion trends and do not know that, for example, men's skeleton watches look like this. But, today, we will not talk about fashion and models.

Clock on the right: what does it mean?

In fact, everyone who wants to draw the attention of others to their jewelry should also wear wrist accessories on their right hand. So, you can draw attention to your choice, taste and personality.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there are no generally accepted rules of etiquette for wearing wrist jewelry for either men or women. You can wear them however you like. But, everything should be in place. So, for an office or business meetings, you should not buy catchy or too large accessories, because they distract the attention of the interlocutor and prevent the person from concentrating.

Psychologists believe that the left side symbolizes the past, the negative, and the right - on the contrary, only the future and a positive attitude. The method of wearing can also be attributed to this category. Therefore, if you are a woman or a man who go to their goal no matter what, then wear a watch on your right hand - this is exactly what will characterize you in the best possible way.

Do you know why in China it is customary to wear wrist mechanisms on the right? Because, in accordance with ancient Chinese philosophy, a large number of energy points are located on the left wrist, including the point that is responsible for the work of the heart. The Chinese believe that the strap can harm human health by compressing this area.

But, let's digress from philosophy and psychology and give another original example. It turns out that wearing a watch on your right hand, you protect yourself from theft. And all because this way of wearing is common in criminal circles. And pickpockets do not steal from “their own”.

There are many signs associated with wristwatches. For example, they say that you can not present them as a gift. It is believed that this is for separation. But, if in return you offer the donor a coin (regardless of its denomination), then the situation will have the opposite effect. Few people know that they can become a real talisman. If earlier they belonged to your ancestors, they will bring good luck and protect you.

Wear on the left: meanings and etiquette

Historically, it has so happened that it is customary to wear wristwatches on the left side. It is no secret that most of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, not left-handed, and for many of them it is more convenient to start the mechanism and fasten the strap with the right hand. In addition, wearing on the left wrist allows you to protect the product from mechanical damage, since everything that the right-handed person does, he does with his right hand, the left-hander does the opposite.

In a business environment, it is customary to wear wrist accessories on the left side, and this applies to both men and women. Buy a product that is not too provocative, which can be almost completely hidden under the cuff of a shirt. Following these rules will allow you to make a good impression on a business partner, to demonstrate to an outsider your restraint and level of education.

So, among the main reasons that encourage people to choose the left hand for wearing a watch, it is worth highlighting:

  • it is so much more convenient to wind both mechanical women's watches and products for men, for this you don’t even need to take it off;
  • for a right-handed person, it will be much faster to fasten the strap of the device, helping himself with a “working” hand;
  • this allows you to protect an expensive product from damage (by the way, as one sign says, a stopped mechanism is a problem for their owner, so do not forget to start it);
  • they say that the jewelry on the left wrist is a sign of a creative nature, so even many left-handers prefer this particular side.

Which hand to wear?

For those who have not yet decided how to wear jewelry, stylists recommend alternately putting on a watch on one or the other hand. After a while, you will be able to understand which option you like best.

The main thing is not what wrist they will be worn on, but that the jewelry you buy matches the event, setting or dress code. And, of course, do not forget about the size. On a tiny wrist, large accessories will look too rough and vice versa - you should not choose a small dial for a large brush.

Wristwatches today are used by women and men not as a practical and necessary accessory, but rather as an adornment and addition to style and image. Experts note that many people manage to demonstrate their impeccable taste and preferences with the help of luxury and branded watches. It is only important to pay attention to the questions on which hand men wear watches according to etiquette, so as not to spoil this impression.

Stylists and designers advise every modern man to have at his disposal 3 pairs of watches for different occasions, namely a casual model, a sports watch for active pastime, as well as branded luxury watches for special occasions and official events. It is important to understand the rules of etiquette regarding the use of such accessories.

In past centuries, people tried to invent all kinds of devices and accessories, thanks to which it would be possible to measure and control the passage of time. Today, most men wear wristwatches worth several thousand dollars just to complement the accessory to the overall image and style. As soon as the first wristwatch appeared in the world, it was predetermined which hand a man wears a watch on.

Since then and until today, most people, regardless of gender, age and other characteristics, choose the left wrist for a wrist accessory. To understand why men wear watches on their left hand, it is enough to understand the principle that you need to wear a watch on the hand that is less exploited by a man. Thanks to this, it is possible to preserve the integrity of the accessory from mechanical impact, in addition, the straps of modern watch models are easier to fasten on the left hand.

In the rules and regulations of etiquette, there are no clear requirements on which hand men should wear watches on. Etiquette only teaches how to select and harmoniously combine the shape and type of watches with wardrobe items and certain events. But most often, business men wear a watch on their left hand, thereby confirming their education and elegance.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Men who are interested in whether a watch can be worn on the right hand of a man should understand the reasons why business etiquette accepts wearing an accessory on the left hand. Firstly, it is much easier to put on and fasten the watch with the right hand; on the left hand, the accessory can be wound without removing it. Secondly, it will help to maintain the integrity of the watch in the course of professional activities.

Can the accessory be worn on the right hand?

As practice shows, many representatives of the strong half of society today put on a wrist accessory precisely on the right limb, despite business etiquette. The reason for this is mainly ignorance of the rules and trends of men's fashion, as well as imitation of many famous personalities. Psychologists explain differently why men wear watches on their right hand. This trend tends to be more likely for those who are left-handed by nature and vice versa, the right-hander rather wears a watch on his left hand.

Today, the most important man who wears a watch on his right hand is Russian President Vladimir Putin. In solidarity with him, many men also changed their watches to their right hands, thus demonstrating the spirit of patriotism. According to statistics, creative people with unconventional thinking wear watches on their right hands. And etiquette does not contradict such a choice of a man, providing freedom of choice.

For reference! In China, many sages believe that it is unhealthy to wear such an accessory on the right wrist. The thing is that important energy points are located on it, one of them is responsible for the work of the heart. Constant wearing of the watch will provoke irritation of the points and deterioration of well-being, respectively.

How to wear a watch with a bracelet?

To look flawless and stylish, it is important to choose the right models and types of watches for your style and image, as well as learn the etiquette of how to wear men's watches. Watches with a bracelet deserve special attention, the strap of which can be made of metal, plastic, precious metals, textiles, ceramics and leather. Belts can be purchased separately from the accessory or bundled with it.

Do you wear a watch with a bracelet?


Models with metal belts are suitable for active and mobile men, besides, the skin wears out faster. Everyday models can be made of titanium, brass or steel, and for formal and festive occasions, you can take a model made of precious metals. According to the rules of etiquette, the watch bracelet should be slightly free, and its width should correspond to the width of the wrist. And the color of the bracelet must be in harmony with the color palette of the clothes.


Only an educated, intelligent and intelligent man knows which hand according to etiquette, as well as which models to combine with images. In fact, the rules for choosing and combining an accessory are a whole science, moreover, today the assortment offers a huge number of types of such accessories for all occasions. You need to wear them on your left hand, and it is also important to harmoniously combine their texture and colors with clothes and other accessories.

Etiquette dictates its own rules. If you don't obey them, you automatically become uncivilized. Even the dilemma of which hand to wear a watch on also requires the implementation of general rules of etiquette. Few people know that watches are not only decoration. They can also have a beneficial effect on our energy field.

How did wristwatches appear?

Today, for many, watches serve as an essential accessory that emphasizes their individuality. The forerunner of the modern watch is the pocket watch.

Back in 1886, they were created in the form of a bracelet. However, at first they were used by women as jewelry. At that time, men did not appreciate enough. And only in the First World War, the representatives of the strong half turned their attention to this necessary accessory. For the first time, officers began to wear them, since their use was more convenient, compared to familiar pocket watches.

Why wear a watch if everyone has a smartphone?

Indeed, a paradox: why wear a watch if a person practically does not let go of a smartphone? Today, watches have become more of an accessory. They reflect the business style of a person, often simply complementing it. The creative interesting strap on the watch, the peculiarity of the model, the LED display technology - all these elements only indirectly draw attention to the watch.

Few people think about which hand to wear a watch on. Therefore, they are put on in a way that is convenient, in accordance with the clothes. However, it is worth knowing that there are specific rules for wearing watches for both men and women. But in order not to miscalculate and not to get into a mess in an intelligent society, you should know on which hand the watch is worn according to etiquette.

Amazing theories

There are several theories about wearing wristwatches.

1. Utilitarian theory studies the issue of convenience when wearing a watch. According to her “axioms”, the accessory must be worn on a “free” hand, which would not create inconvenience during work for a person. By the way, if you put a watch on your “working” hand, then there is a big risk of causing any damage to it. Therefore, the right-hander needs to wear the watch on the left hand, and the left-hander - on the right.

In ancient times, left-handers were mistaken for non-humans. It was believed that such people are the heirs of the devil. And in the days of the USSR, children were retrained at school and forced to write only with their right hand. That is why Soviet watch manufacturers focused on the right-handed population, while providing for the location of the crown on the right.

Today, statistics show that left-handers make up about 35% of the total population. However, out of habit, watches continue to produce on the right side.

2. The mystical theory is based on the teachings of Fukuri. It claims that on the wrists of both hands there are energetically important points: cun, guan and chi. These points are directly related to human health. The cun point is directly connected with the heart, in men it is located on the left, and in women it is on the right. Believe it or not this theory, but there is another mystical connection related to the question of which hand to wear a watch on.

Many criminologists notice fairly frequent supernatural coincidences. If the owner of the watch passes away, then it stops. Whether this is true or coincidence is unknown. Therefore, if you are superstitious, then think about which hand to wear a watch on. More on this in the article below.

On which hand do men wear watches?

Almost all representatives of the stronger sex are rather condescending to various accessories, considering it a female occupation. Although today this fact has already become stereotypical. Almost every man can see a watch on his hand. Moreover, they wear them for various reasons, mainly associating them with professional activities, where it is necessary to emphasize social status.

Men who are engaged in physical labor put a watch on the hand that is least involved in work. An office worker usually doesn't care which hand the watch is on. But if you follow the rules of business etiquette, then a man should wear a watch on his left hand. And those who prefer to emphasize their position in society usually wear them on the right ..

On which hand do women wear watches?

A watch on a woman's thin handle also emphasizes not only personal business qualities, but also femininity.

Many stylists believe that this is an essential attribute of style and elegance. Preferring etiquette, a woman should wear a watch on her right hand.

Energy and clocks: what is the connection?

Ancient Chinese medicine says that a woman needs to make every effort to increase the energy points that are located on the wrist of her right hand. Accordingly, the question of which hand to wear the watch on automatically disappears. Of course, on the right. By the way, strong energy points are ways to influence the work of internal organs.

Of course, nobody canceled the rules of business etiquette. Therefore, it is necessary to take them into account in the question: “On which hand do girls and men wear watches?”. Usually women do not attach much importance to this issue, obeying only their own desire to look great.

By the way, if the right hand of a woman is already “cluttered” with rings, then the watch should be worn on the left hand. So outwardly the effect of a "stylish landfill" will not be created. This rule also applies when wearing bracelets.

From the point of view of psychology, if a woman wants to demonstrate her independence, she should wear a watch on her active hand. This will only emphasize efficiency and professionalism. Many girls subconsciously wear a watch on their right hand, as they strive to show everyone their purposefulness, while not attaching importance to their past.

As for men, they need to remember that watches should be changed every five years. Very expensive accessories should be worn at solemn official events. When buying such an expensive thing, you should make sure that the brand is original.

In the women's wardrobe, there must be different styles of clothing, respectively, and several models of watches. So, for a business meeting, it is better to choose an accessory of classic design, but for a party or meeting with friends - a brighter creative design.

Another rule: the watch case is no larger than the wrist. Since a huge watch looks rather ridiculous on a thin female handle, and, conversely, a watch with a small dial cannot be worn on a large hand.

Most importantly, remember that a watch should be comfortable for you and not provide any discomfort. They should fully reflect your inner content and emphasize your individuality, helping to form the opinion of others about you.

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